About us and what we do

Take a more detailed look at who we are and what we do here at Resolve Beyond Neurology including where it all began. Follow the history of development through to where we are today, from our focus on education and research through to who's involved, we have a lot to share.

The brain-child of Valerie Walters, Resolve is the result of a number of confluences of research and training which started from a chance encounter with a prominent theorist and psychologist who had written some interesting books on trauma and it's effect on the body. At about the same time Valerie become involved with a psychology research group in California which was looking at trauma and shock and exploring options in the therapeutic approach (within prevailing psychology doctrine) to treatment. Following this Valerie then studied the work of an oncologist, with over 20 years clinical experience and comprehensive research of over many thousands of patients, who observed that with each set of symptoms there was a corresponding lack of understanding, significance and meaning in relation to their experiences in their life. Coupled with Valerie's own clinical and education experiences over 25 years, these experiences set the seed for what would eventually become Resolve Beyond Neurology.

East Meets the West

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. -- Albert Einstein

Resolve is very much a blend of the science of western medicine knowledge and research, western natural therapies that blend east and west, and the wisdom of eastern (Chinese) medicine principles and philosophy.

Psychology's understanding of trauma that triggers the flight/fight response and its associated pathology, influence on our psyche and our ability to heal underpins much of what Resolve is about. The advances is neuroplasticity (how the brain can change and adapt) and quantum physics' exploration of communication through entanglement, adds to our understanding of how this modality works. Add to these the work on how unresolved experiences in our lives create a lack of understanding, significance and meaning in how we express who we are, and it starts to explain a lot about how we heal, why we don't and what makes us sick.

Western natural therapy (alternative and complementary medicine) has provided a lot of contributing information in to the development of Resolve, from areas such as Kinesiology, Reiki, Homeopathy and Naturopathy (and more). These helped our understanding of how the body and mind interact with each other and the environment as well as the body's interdependencies and interconnectedness, and how this relates to optimal health outcomes. From this we have honed the skill of Muscle Testing, a cornerstone of the Resolve modality, bringing it from 19th century thinking into a far more modern application in Resolve.

From Chinese Medicine Principles and Philosophy we have included crucial information about energy as a vital force, it's flow and role in the body and how this influences our healing. The wisdom from the spiritual aspects of early Chinese philosophy expanded Resolve to a new depth unexplored in much of Western alternative medicine. How we live our lives, our connection to universal knowing and how we bring our dreams into fruition in order to both find and follow our heart's purpose has also enriched Resolve. Further exploration of Chinese Philosophy and understanding of the grounding nature of Earth and how connected we are to this planet has added to the comprehensiveness of Resolve.

All of these concepts unite to provide the groundwork and substance that is Resolve.

Why Resolve?

Our vision for Resolve is for every single person on the planet who wants to move forward in their life, past their limitations, can with Resolve. We have so many amazing success stories of people who have transformed their lives into so much more than they thought they could, that we want to share it with whoever will listen, with whoever wants to be involved. Our mission is to educate on the significance of our survival system (fight and flight), how we get stuck in it and how this can have a lasting impact on health, how it governs our behaviours and prevents us from creating our best life. We want to walk with people as they walk their journey to their life of more not less. Most importantly we want to share what we have learned (and are continuing to learn) so that you too can be part of something more.

What's different about Resolve?

Resolve takes into account your symptoms and your life experiences at the same time. No other therapy (including medicine) does this. Simultaneously, we also explore how you can be the best version of you, your authentic self so you can have the life you meant to have before the limiting experiences got in the way. We include every aspect of who you are from your genetics, through your experiences of life, to your soul's journey and everything in between. As a Resolve Practitioner we are often asked what we work with and the answer is anything. This is what sets us apart. Yet with this we can also seamlessly integrate with other therapies such as osteopathy, physiotherapy, nutrition, counselling, reiki, western medicine and more. The worst we can do is nothing, the best we can do is help you transform your life.

Our Team

Valerie Walters, Founder

Research & Development Manager

With over 20 years experience as a practitioner and trainer, Valerie is the founder and principal researcher of Resolve Beyond Neurology. With her impressive knowledge and natural therapies experience including Trauma, Kinesiology, Chinese Medicine, and more, Valerie continues to bring her enthusiasm, innovation and focus to the ongoing research, development and content needs of Resolve.

Nilva Van Zeyl

Training Manager

Nilva joined Valerie in 2011 bringing 18+ years experience as a practitioner and trainer in Kinesiology with her. Providing the essential role of research validation, Nilva continues to make a significant contribution to the overall development of Resolve. Nilva has a passion for training delivery and practitioner development and oversees the training needs of the business. She also runs a successful clinic in the NSW Southern Highlands.

Carolyn Farnan

General Manager

Joining the research team in 2015, Carolyn adds her corporate, adult education, natural therapy and counselling experience to the business. Carolyn specialises in business development and direction as well as contributing to the ongoing research and development of Resolve through her interest in scientific advancements. She also runs a successful clinic in Wollongong, NSW.